Impala 62

This is an Impala 62 from Roces.
Did a little custom work on it.
Modded them to UFS and cut the cuff a little bit shorter.
Then put a new Roces M12 liner in it and fixed a Thompson frame with Vikings under it.
The sidesliders from the frame were removed to grind faster on copings.
Unfortunatly I only had a red soulframe laying around.;-)
But thats OK. Black, red and yellow are the german colours. - Salomon


xlarge 00 says (07 Apr 2008)

holy shat. awesome. what size NEEG ?
Bassbeton6996 00 says (07 Apr 2008)

its a UK8/US9/EU42 shell. i love it to have small feet.:-D
xlarge 00 says (07 Apr 2008)

was it hard to drill out the rivets? do you have pics? i might ghetto drill an old pair of m12/cult/razors/hockey boot shell to mod it into a valo soul/ufs m12/nihm skate. mmm k.
Bassbeton6996 00 says (07 Apr 2008)

this time it took me about 5 minutes to get rid of all 20 rivets. the most simple way is to push them out with a bodkin an a hammer. this time was my fastest mod till now, 2,5hours for the whole thing. i wanted to take pics, but forgot. planning to do a tutorial on my next mod.;-)
xlarge 00 says (08 Apr 2008)

please take pics for sure. i dont have any courage to drill out 20 billion rivets w/o ruining the base. by the way, with all the holes on the bottom, doesnt it weaken the base structure, and secondly, how does the soul plate mount on w/o pulling thru the existing "weak" base caused by rivet holes?
Bassbeton6996 00 says (08 Apr 2008)

what holes!? the soulplate fits perfect with the holes of ANY roces skate! doesn´t matter if its chapter, lowrider, impala, street or FCO rome. they all have the same holes.;-)
xlarge 00 says (08 Apr 2008)

what i mean is, if you place a nimh soul on it, and the holes dont line up perfectly, might have to drill newer holes in them. byt then you'll have a billion holes which will ruin the strength of the base of the boot. in addition, the rivets can "pull right through" due to all the holes there.
Bassbeton6996 00 says (08 Apr 2008)

maybe you could do it with a nimh soulplate. but i don´t know how many holes you need and if any holes are the same. but the strenght of the baseplate should not be corrupted by 3 or 4 more holes.
Justin US says (08 Apr 2008)

I like these a lot. Are any of those parts dyed?
Bassbeton6996 00 says (08 Apr 2008)

no. nothing is dyed.
Thisissoul NL says (09 Apr 2008)

Super super sweet!
B-Industry 00 says (09 Apr 2008)

Nice SetUp but how long you have search for the loving Yellow cuff ;-) now its finish the one and only in the world. Sick like it....
Bassbeton6996 00 says (09 Apr 2008)

@ditissoul: thank you! but you´re doing good work on your customs, too!
Bassbeton6996 00 says (10 Apr 2008)

Yes, it was your idea to take the rivets out with a bodkin. simple and good idea. and yes, i did it at BD shop in bonn. and yes, you are doing customs since 1997. but, who cares?;-) the only reason to come to your shop is that you have a K2 rivet machine. so i hoped to push the rivets out instead of drilling. in the future i will take better care of my time and won´t come to your store for any reason.;-) and to say it was all your idea makes me lol.
xlarge 00 says (12 Apr 2008)

what the hell's a bodkin? pics please.
Bassbeton6996 00 says (12 Apr 2008)

[img][/img] thats a bodkin.
xlarge 00 says (13 Apr 2008)

do you know if valo souls or nimh souls will fit the roces boot? can you check?
Bassbeton6996 00 says (13 Apr 2008)

i know that valo souls will fit. don´t have any nimh souls to try.
illthrilla 00 says (13 Apr 2008)

you need a green shell for rasta madness
Bassbeton6996 00 says (13 Apr 2008)

good idea. i am still looking for a green and a silver shell to make my collection complete.
Thisissoul NL says (15 Apr 2008)

[quote=xlarge]do you know if valo souls or nimh souls will fit the roces boot? can you check? [/quote] valo will fit easy and nimh/cult will take a bit of sweat. You have to saw off the little peace under the heel that sticks out and drill new wholes. With valo or m12 souls you can use the existing wholes but you do need to take a larger drill and widen them first.
Bassbeton6996 00 says (16 Apr 2008)

yes. and you can take a bodkin to widen the holes. wide them with a bodkin, put the t-nut into the hole and let the hole hold the t-nut. that´s a lot easier then drilling the holes larger. and with getting off the piece of the heel, you can even use USD classic throne plates to customize an m12 to UFS.;-)
Thisissoul NL says (29 Apr 2008)

the ting under the heel can stay on if you want to put classic throne plates on. I allready made one. I have the rollerblade chocolate now moded with all white parts. pic will come soon
myphilip 00 says (20 Jun 2008)

nice but i dont like roces

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Category: Skates
Brand: Roces
Model: Impala

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Uploaded: 07 Apr 2008
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