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Member Since: 17 Apr 2011Last Seen: 17 Oct 2011
403 Uploads Total
121 Comments By SkateSetup
SkateSetups latest comments
21-25 out of 121 comments
22 May 2008 comment on Custom Deshi Soulplates on a Colin Kelso
[quote=rollaablader]the same you can do at your valo soulframe, look at my jj1 velcro [/quote] do you have a link? thx
[quote=rollaablader]the same you can do at your valo soulframe, look at my jj1 velcro [/quote] do you have a link? thx
18 Apr 2008 comment on k2 style points bob
very nice job... is there actually much plastic beetween the insole and the soulframe?
very nice job... is there actually much plastic beetween the insole and the soulframe?
Damn! Makios must be hard on round rails.. XD