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Country: DE SelectCountry
State: Other State
City: Lat kheyl


Member Since: 07 Jul 2007
Last Seen: 07 Jul 2007
15 Uploads Total
78 Comments By Fortunate Few

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76-78 out of 78 comments
Brandon Campbell
07 Jul 2007 comment on Brandon Campbell

[quote=ty]Do Wideboys really need their own soul plate? [/quote] nah not really i mean i ride them right now without them and they're ok i guess. they wear down 10 times faster without the moonshines on there. and the groove is spread out threw the whole widebody instead of right perfectly in the middle with moonshine souls. They also slide faster on everything especially unwaxed ledges and cess slide areas.
Rob Tompson 1
07 Jul 2007 comment on Rob Tompson 1

[quote=skobberhouse]wuts moonshine btw? [/quote] Moonshine is a souls plate company but they arent just limited to souls, they make wings, juice blocks, frame risers, abec 5's and 7's , and anti rockers.
Brandon Campbell
07 Jul 2007 comment on Brandon Campbell

[quote=Justin]Are those 50/50 juice blocks on the frame or something different? [/quote] Those are moonshine freestyle blocks. they're made out of UHWM and they're specificly made for able frames. we have them for all gcs, and some kizer frames.

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