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Fortunate Few's Profile

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Country: DE SelectCountry
State: Other State
City: Lat kheyl


Member Since: 07 Jul 2007
Last Seen: 07 Jul 2007
15 Uploads Total
78 Comments By Fortunate Few

Latest Uploads

1-7 out of 15 uploads
Moonshine Prototype Souls
Chaz Sands 2
Dre Powell
TV 1 Valo
EB1 Valo
Nemissis or something


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Fortunate Fews latest comments

16-20 out of 78 comments
Razors Genesys 5
13 May 2008 comment on Razors Genesys 5

these look fresh
usd VII lievanos
25 Apr 2008 comment on usd VII lievanos

put the skin back on and get bigger 2 peice souls.
Billy ONeil Pro Throne
17 Apr 2008 comment on Billy ONeil Pro Throne

very hot! i wish they had the fish jug liners.
salomon vinny minton pro
15 Apr 2008 comment on salomon vinny minton pro

it would be tight if the cuffs and widebodies were whiter.
Thisissoul custom Salomon st90-2
10 Apr 2008 comment on Thisissoul custom Salomon st90-2

you fucked them up by putting usd souls on them.

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