smewp slompy's Profile
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Member Since: 14 Sep 2007Last Seen: 14 Sep 2007
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34 Comments By smewp slompy
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smewp slompys latest comments
16-20 out of 34 comments
25 Sep 2007 comment on Deshi CH.1
[quote=wat]these are freestyle frames are they not??[/quote] elements were never freestyle frames, you dumbass.
[quote=wat]these are freestyle frames are they not??[/quote] elements were never freestyle frames, you dumbass.
24 Sep 2007 comment on salomon st 90
[quote=seankelso]HAHA. I BET UR A SHIT SKATERRR.. SUCK MY DICK U FUKIN IMAGRANT[/quote] ^look at this retarded idiot. i dont even need to say anything about how stupid he looks.
[quote=seankelso]HAHA. I BET UR A SHIT SKATERRR.. SUCK MY DICK U FUKIN IMAGRANT[/quote] ^look at this retarded idiot. i dont even need to say anything about how stupid he looks.
23 Sep 2007 comment on salomon st 90
[quote=seankelso]WHATS YOUR VERSION OF RARE THEN SMART ARSE.. ID LIKE TO SEE U GET A PAIR OF THESE IN THE UK NOWW.. GOOD LOOK MATE.. [/quote] hahaha fucking loser. just shut up.
[quote=seankelso]WHATS YOUR VERSION OF RARE THEN SMART ARSE.. ID LIKE TO SEE U GET A PAIR OF THESE IN THE UK NOWW.. GOOD LOOK MATE.. [/quote] hahaha fucking loser. just shut up.
22 Sep 2007 comment on salomon st 90
[quote=seankelso]no they wernt rare... but the size was rare.. their a size 7 boot with a 8 sifika linear not alot of this size was made in uk. it was normally size 10 or over. so not many people have this size 90ƈs [/quote] that's probably the dumbest reason ive ever heard for calling them rare.
[quote=seankelso]no they wernt rare... but the size was rare.. their a size 7 boot with a 8 sifika linear not alot of this size was made in uk. it was normally size 10 or over. so not many people have this size 90ƈs [/quote] that's probably the dumbest reason ive ever heard for calling them rare.
sick. more pics below: