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Member Since: 30 Apr 2008Last Seen: 16 Sep 2011
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61 Comments By celticpryde
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celticprydes latest comments
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16 Aug 2010 comment on Carbon and Xsjado Soulplate
those look sik. for size 10s just get a medium soul
those look sik. for size 10s just get a medium soul
14 May 2010 comment on 250cc yellow black
SOOOOOO NICE! I remember my yellow 250s BEST SKATE EVER! They just needed to be UFS and now they are.. very well done. MAD PROPS!!!
SOOOOOO NICE! I remember my yellow 250s BEST SKATE EVER! They just needed to be UFS and now they are.. very well done. MAD PROPS!!!
That is absolutely amazing! bout time someone did something with them. They skate well?