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Member Since: 17 Apr 2011Last Seen: 17 Oct 2011
403 Uploads Total
121 Comments By SkateSetup
SkateSetups latest comments
81-85 out of 121 comments
23 May 2007 comment on ELEMENT 50 WTF
HAHA These skates were already sold under the name "Poison" I think. Maybe roces sold the brand name to the company since they are not making aggressive skates anymore. If this is a photoshop, it is a very good one :-)
HAHA These skates were already sold under the name "Poison" I think. Maybe roces sold the brand name to the company since they are not making aggressive skates anymore. If this is a photoshop, it is a very good one :-)
The dual souls still look better than the new deshi souls Sick skate