joeycrax - 2510.jpg

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Country: DE United States
State: New York
City: Brooklyn


Member Since: 26 May 2011
Last Seen: 20 Jan 2016
15 Uploads Total
19 Comments By joeycrax

Latest Uploads

15-15 out of 15 uploads
King 55


Shima 5 with Kiezer Feinberh frames

joeycraxs latest comments

1-5 out of 19 comments
Buy this!
20 Jan 2016 comment on Natural

Are these still a available?
Varsity 2011 Setup
28 Mar 2014 comment on Varsity 2011 Setup

Would you sell the frames?
RARE K2 250cc with Red Frames and spare parts
Buy this!
28 Mar 2014 comment on RARE K2 250cc with Red Frames and spare parts

I know its late but do you still have these?
RARE K2 250cc with Red Frames and spare parts
Buy this!
28 Mar 2014 comment on RARE K2 250cc with Red Frames and spare parts

I know its late but do you still have these?
st10s ufs
22 Mar 2014 comment on st10s ufs

Would you sell the frames with the juice blocks?

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