GlennMcL - 2551.jpg

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Country: DE New Zealand
State: Auckland


Member Since: 26 Jun 2011
Last Seen: 18 Jan 2021
2 Uploads Total
16 Comments By GlennMcL

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TRS Powerblade FSK
Seba FR-D


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GlennMcLs latest comments

6-10 out of 16 comments
Valo AE.1
28 Jan 2013 comment on Valo AE.1

sick mate!
King 55 - UFS mod
11 Jan 2013 comment on King 55 - UFS mod

Awesome! Used to roll 55's and had best time on skates of my life. Royale's were easier that sleeping.
WANTED uk 6 salomons
Buy this!
10 Jan 2013 comment on WANTED uk 6 salomons

How much to NZ!
Salomon STten ST10 Powerblade
10 Jan 2013 comment on Salomon STten ST10 Powerblade

Lucky to have Salomons! Awesome bro!
original lightnings
09 Jan 2013 comment on original lightnings

Went from these, to TRS, to Tarmac, to Roces M12, to K2 Fatty, to K2 King 55, to Bauer Streets, to K2 again, to Estillo TRS, to Salomon Chaz Sands, ( my last aggressives — getting old man! ) to Seba Fr1 and now Seba FRD.

Former / Old School Skate Manufacturers:


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