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Country: DE SelectCountry
State: Other State
City: Lat kheyl


Member Since: 03 Nov 2011
Last Seen: 01 Mar 2012
1 Uploads Total
29 Comments By froelli

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My Shima 6s


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froellis latest comments

1-5 out of 29 comments
USD Throne UFS RB Evolution
21 Mar 2012 comment on USD Throne UFS RB Evolution

looking good :)
My Shima 6s
21 Mar 2012 comment on My Shima 6s

Im looking to make some GOOD fatty customisation open to opinions please let me know what you think :)
TRS Carbon Morales
21 Mar 2012 comment on TRS Carbon Morales

now this is crazy the sickest old school chunky RB skate with modern enhancements and tweeks love it best RB mod ive seen by far
shima 6
16 Mar 2012 comment on shima 6

for sale?
My Skate collectionfor sale
14 Mar 2012 comment on My Skate collectionfor sale

what you got left bro email me at got some cash to spend and this looks like my heaven!

Former / Old School Skate Manufacturers:


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