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Member Since: 03 Nov 2011Last Seen: 01 Mar 2012
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29 Comments By froelli
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froellis latest comments
16-20 out of 29 comments
12 Dec 2011 comment on razors S6 Customs
you actually painted shima 6s?? i hope when you die you get stuck in satans asshole forever
you actually painted shima 6s?? i hope when you die you get stuck in satans asshole forever
12 Dec 2011 comment on Brian Aragons
they look amazin mate if you wanna sell email
they look amazin mate if you wanna sell email
12 Dec 2011 comment on Shima S6
they look amazin mate if you wanna sell email
they look amazin mate if you wanna sell email
12 Dec 2011 comment on Shima 5
they look amazin mate if you wanna sell email
they look amazin mate if you wanna sell email
they look amazin mate if you wanna sell email