psyconic - 2735.jpg

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Country: DE United States
State: California
City: Lompoc


Member Since: 11 Jan 2012
Last Seen: 25 Mar 2024
8 Uploads Total
6 Comments By psyconic

Latest Uploads

1-7 out of 8 uploads
My new Carbon 3s
Oh shit look what I found
Finished product
Fabrication complete
Nimh V-Cut
Custom Nimhs
Upgraded liner


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psyconics latest comments

1-5 out of 6 comments
My new Carbon 3s
27 Sep 2013 comment on My new Carbon 3s

Thanks! They're size 12s and no, they're not for sale.
Oh shit look what I found
13 Aug 2013 comment on Oh shit look what I found

Sorry, these aren't for sale. I still ride them from time to time for nostalgia.
Nimh V-Cut
15 Feb 2012 comment on Nimh V-Cut

And they're the most comfortable skates I've ever rolled in.
Nimh V-Cut
15 Feb 2012 comment on Nimh V-Cut

Here is the finished product. After The v-cut mod I split the toebox and added a 45 degree ankle strap.
Head H1
12 Jan 2012 comment on Head H1

All you need now are some USD carbon soul plates and you're set.

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