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Fortunate Few's Profile

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Country: DE SelectCountry
State: Other State
City: Lat kheyl


Member Since: 07 Jul 2007
Last Seen: 07 Jul 2007
15 Uploads Total
78 Comments By Fortunate Few

Latest Uploads

8-14 out of 15 uploads
Dustin Latimer UFS Throne
TV1 green-white
Rob Tompson 1
Brandon Campbell
Louie Zamora Thrones
Louie Zamora Thrones


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Fortunate Fews latest comments

61-65 out of 78 comments
st pro
02 Sep 2007 comment on st pro

hahaha, dude! youre only supposed to grind in the center of the frame.
Salomon Whitey
31 Aug 2007 comment on Salomon Whitey

by far the hottest salomons ever... besides the jug liners... props to justin at amall for making these.
Dustin Latimer UFS Throne
04 Aug 2007 comment on Dustin Latimer UFS Throne

[quote=kit ]will you ship to the uk? i love the look of them[/quote] Yeah we can most definatly ship to the UK or anywhere else in the world.
Roces 5th Element skate
09 Jul 2007 comment on Roces 5th Element skate

[quote=AF] HAHA you got a scar from it? The liner was comfy as hell to me![/quote] haha i wrote that along time ago. and yeah fuck them i gave these away.
Salomon ST Vinny Minton 06
09 Jul 2007 comment on Salomon ST Vinny Minton 06

nice job on cutting / grooving those widebodies.

Former / Old School Skate Manufacturers:


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