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Member Since: 26 Sep 2007Last Seen: 05 Jan 2023
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144 Comments By nitm2k
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nitm2ks latest comments
21-25 out of 144 comments
03 Mar 2011 comment on USD Carbon 2
damn small wheel on the front? What grinds you do with those mate?
damn small wheel on the front? What grinds you do with those mate?
10 Oct 2010 comment on majestic 12 mod
nice tech mate... how do they roll? I love the feeling of my roces:)
nice tech mate... how do they roll? I love the feeling of my roces:)
10 Oct 2010 comment on Roces Ventronic
you should see me ride em!
you should see me ride em!
Ohh hell yeah I want some Oli shorts when I find them!