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Member Since: 26 Sep 2007Last Seen: 05 Jan 2023
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144 Comments By nitm2k
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31-35 out of 144 comments
25 Apr 2009 comment on O.U.T. Daisy
I had those, little difirent colour, They sucked (if you ask me) To bulky and heavy for my taste
I had those, little difirent colour, They sucked (if you ask me) To bulky and heavy for my taste
18 Apr 2009 comment on custom skin
you need quite a hardcore machine for this fabric dude, it's easyer to do it all over then to fix in pieces, so quite a nice job doing it manually! I would have prolly done something else but that's the beauty of creativity! Grats on your good job!
you need quite a hardcore machine for this fabric dude, it's easyer to do it all over then to fix in pieces, so quite a nice job doing it manually! I would have prolly done something else but that's the beauty of creativity! Grats on your good job!
I also have most the part laying around would I ever want to replace anything:) they do roll like a charm!