Wu-Tang G8
My wu tang g8's, f1 freestyle frames, valo liners, remz low cuff. Sweeeeeeeeet -
says (28 Aug 2008)
ok size like 16 valo liners: look like shit remz cuffs: loving awesome skate: sick as hell frames: BOSS

ok size like 16 valo liners: look like shit remz cuffs: loving awesome skate: sick as hell frames: BOSS
says (11 Sep 2008)
Man, it looks like Dennis Rodman raped a Razors skate and that popped out his but 8 months later. Then after the abomination was born, a dude from china claiming to be from wu-tang bitch slapped the rodmen/gen skate. haha all jokes aside. They look horrible. Never use that many colours together. Nor those colours. Mango, pinkish/red, red black and purple don't go together dude. Pick 2 solid colours that actually go together next time.

Man, it looks like Dennis Rodman raped a Razors skate and that popped out his but 8 months later. Then after the abomination was born, a dude from china claiming to be from wu-tang bitch slapped the rodmen/gen skate. haha all jokes aside. They look horrible. Never use that many colours together. Nor those colours. Mango, pinkish/red, red black and purple don't go together dude. Pick 2 solid colours that actually go together next time.
says (11 Sep 2008)
hahahah the buckle is backwards! dude, concentrate on your skating cuz you f'd those skates up bad. put on black soulplates and cuff and you might be able to save those ugly ass skates. Next time, try drawing/colouring what you want your skate to look like on paper first before raping a perfectly good pair of Genz :no:

hahahah the buckle is backwards! dude, concentrate on your skating cuz you f'd those skates up bad. put on black soulplates and cuff and you might be able to save those ugly ass skates. Next time, try drawing/colouring what you want your skate to look like on paper first before raping a perfectly good pair of Genz :no:
says (01 Oct 2008)
I think they look original and ill with the color scheme dem hatin' canadians do know ill style when they see it !

I think they look original and ill with the color scheme dem hatin' canadians do know ill style when they see it !
says (10 Oct 2008)
put dyed featherlite or kizer żurawiecki frame on them, normal razors cuff(also dyed) and different liner and those will be one of the sickest razors ever ;]

put dyed featherlite or kizer żurawiecki frame on them, normal razors cuff(also dyed) and different liner and those will be one of the sickest razors ever ;]
says (10 Oct 2008)
[highlight=#cccccc]with those colours the skate looks like a god damn lego=))[/highlight]

[highlight=#cccccc]with those colours the skate looks like a god damn lego=))[/highlight]
sick paint job... good work... but the remz low cuff looks a bit to low ...