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Member Since: 22 Apr 2008Last Seen: 25 Feb 2021
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387 Comments By stubbsy
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1-5 out of 386 comments
18 Dec 2008 comment on Genesys 8
ohhh lucky boy got some reigns. they died of death ages ago. damn good though. nice setup.
ohhh lucky boy got some reigns. they died of death ages ago. damn good though. nice setup.
15 Dec 2008 comment on murda 3
the frame sucks. WHY DO PEOPLE CONTINUE TO DYE AND PAINT PARTS THAT YOU ARE GOING TO GRIND ON? so stupid. the picture is too nice though. too nice for a pair of skates you're going to screw up haha. maybe try canvas? haha.
the frame sucks. WHY DO PEOPLE CONTINUE TO DYE AND PAINT PARTS THAT YOU ARE GOING TO GRIND ON? so stupid. the picture is too nice though. too nice for a pair of skates you're going to screw up haha. maybe try canvas? haha.
15 Dec 2008 comment on usd classic trone allstar 09
haha go stuff your tongues then ya' buttmunchers<br>but everyone will hate you. <br><br>
haha go stuff your tongues then ya' buttmunchers<br>but everyone will hate you. <br><br>
that is a fail of a groove.