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Member Since: 01 May 2009Last Seen: 10 Aug 2011
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130 Comments By halcyon
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13 Feb 2011 comment on Richie Eisler
nice... wut size... i just got some a cpule weeks ago and they really narrow on my feet but im breaking in.... theyre the best skates ive ever used for top sides... mine are the ones thatre the 2 newest usd classic thrones on here after urs. checkem out
nice... wut size... i just got some a cpule weeks ago and they really narrow on my feet but im breaking in.... theyre the best skates ive ever used for top sides... mine are the ones thatre the 2 newest usd classic thrones on here after urs. checkem out
Those would sell soooooooo fast if they were ever re released like that.