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Member Since: 07 Jul 2007Last Seen: 07 Jul 2007
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78 Comments By Fortunate Few
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21-25 out of 78 comments
26 Mar 2008 comment on RACHARD
i like the way the antis look on those. i'd loose the cuffs though. get white ones :)
i like the way the antis look on those. i'd loose the cuffs though. get white ones :)
23 Feb 2008 comment on K2 Nemesis
Glad you liked your skates,they look sick. if anyone needs any information on Moonshine Souls you can email me at or on AIM : DeeAmazingJuan
Glad you liked your skates,they look sick. if anyone needs any information on Moonshine Souls you can email me at or on AIM : DeeAmazingJuan
[quote=xlarge] you still have any skates lefT? in looking for sz 7 or 8 US depending on model [/quote] yes we still have a few size 8 skates left, I cant check inventory from where im at right now so if you can email and ask what skates we have the owner will let you know as soon as possible.